
The artwork as an invitation to continuous improvement.

19 Apr 2023

Massimo Uberti's art installation for Cherubini Group.

Wednesday 19 April saw the inauguration of the site-specific installation EXPECT MORE, created by Massimo Uberti on commission by Cherubini S.p.A., the core company of the Group of the same name specialising in the development and production of solutions for the movement of blinds, shutters, screens, Venetian blinds and for Home Automation.

On the occasion of Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023, Cherubini has chosen through EXPECT MORE to share its vision with the public of citizens and tourists.

Luciana Cherubini, marketing manager of Cherubini Group: "EXPECT MORE is the result of a long journey. We wanted a strong and direct claim, able to encapsulate our approach, the way of looking at reality and acting that characterises Cherubini's entrepreneurial history. A claim that allows us to communicate our philosophy in an immediate way. We found it in this phrase, which for us is an expression of the passion to do things well, continuing to try to surpass ourselves by always giving more, without stopping once the result is achieved. A way of extending our constantly evolving entrepreneurial story into the future. The meeting with Massimo Uberti was a fundamental step, because he was able to grasp and enhance, according to his refined artistic sensibility, the broad meaning contained in EXPECT MORE, elevating it and giving it to the citizens and those who walk along the Via delle Sorelle".

Through Massimo Uberti's site-specific installation, the promise of continuous evolution to give more and more is extended to the entire community, transforming itself into a message of openness towards broader expectations of ourselves and the territory that surrounds us.

The work is made of iron and green neon, an innovative sustainable lighting solution applied in the artistic installation, within one of the most significant and evocative contexts of the city of Brescia.

EXPECT MORE is a significant milestone of the project La Via delle Sorelle (The Way of the Sisters), the route that connects Bergamo and Brescia along a 130-kilometre path through the territory of the two provinces, promoted by the Municipalities and Provinces of the two cities, conceived and coordinated by the Slow Ride Italy association and realised in the context of Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023.

EXPECT MORE will be on display for the next few months in the Vigneto Pusterla (Pusterla Vineyard) along the castle walls, in the heart of Brescia, thanks to the collaboration with Emanuele Rabotti, owner of the Monte Rossa company and owner of the urban vineyard, the largest in Europe.

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